Engineering Documents

Find Information for Your Generation, Transmission or Large Load Project

VEA offers a broad variety of resources to help you apply to interconnect, install and operate non-VEA owned generation, transmission or large load projects.

Solar panels

Generation Interconnection to VEA’s Distribution Grid

Generation interconnection for small and simple solar and wind projects (behind-the-meter)

Some generation projects are interconnected directly to the customer’s electrical facilities located at their homes or businesses. The phrase used in the electric industry for these electrical connections is “behind-the-meter” to signify the generation is interconnected off the utility’s grid and on the customer’s premise. A utility’s grid reaches up to the electrical meter at a home or business. So facilities “behind-the-meter” are those electrical facilities owned by the customer on their premises.

Information on interconnecting a behind-the-meter generating system is shown below. The size of the system at a home or business must be less than or equal to 25 kilowatts (kW) to qualify. With resources below, you can learn about Distributed Generation (DG) interconnections. Apply for Net Metering.

Learn How to Request a Pre-Application Report for Wholesale Generation Projects Requesting Interconnection to VEA’s Distribution System

Generation projects are wholesale if they sell power to other utilities. If wholesale generation project owners are evaluating whether to interconnect their project to VEA’s distribution grid, then they are eligible to pay for a Pre-Application report. The Pre-Application Report provides basic information about VEA’s distribution grid near your proposed project. This report is available prior to submitting an official request for Interconnection by completing the “Applicant Information” section and emailing the document to VEA.
Download the Pre-Application Request (PDF)

VEA’s Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT)

Requests to interconnect a wholesale generation project to VEA’s distribution grid are made by using VEA’s Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff (WDAT). This tariff includes the term “Wholesale” since it applies only to customers selling their power to other utilities. VEA’s distribution grid’s voltage is primarily 24.9 kV. The exception is in Fish Lake Valley which includes distribution voltages up to 55 kV. Requests to interconnect a wholesale generation project to VEA’s distribution grid can be made by e-mailing VEA for more information.

Like many other utilities, VEA tracks and makes public non-competitive information regarding WDAT interconnection requests. This information is located in VEA’s Distribution Generation Queue.
Download VEA’s Distribution Generation Queue (PDF)

Other helpful resources related to VEA’s WDAT may be found at the following links.
VEA’s Distribution Interconnection Handbook (PDF)
VEA’s System Wide Protection Criteria (PDF)

Generation Interconnections to VEA’s Transmission Grid or GridLiance’s Transmission Grid

Explore information on how to interconnect generation projects to transmission facilities located in VEA’s service territory. There are two owners of transmission facilities in VEA’s electrical service territory: VEA owns transmission facilities operating at 138,000 volts (138 kV) and GridLiance West LLC (GridLiance) owns transmission facilities operating at 230,000 volts (230 kV). For more information about GridLiance, please visit their web site.

Interconnect Generation projects to VEA’s or GridLiance’s Transmission Facilities

In VEA’s service territory, electrical facilities with operating voltage levels 138 kV or higher, are governed by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) Tariff. Please visit their website for more information. Using this web link, the reader will go to the CAISO website and find the CAISO has a “Planning” link at the top of the page. Placing your cursor over this tab will pop up a drop down menu. Clicking on this menu provides access to further Generation Interconnection information. The CAISO’s process for interconnecting generation resources may also be found here.

CAISO Transmission High Voltage Access Charge Rates and Wheeling Rates can be found here.

VEA has interconnection requirements in addition to the CAISO requirements. Such requirements are listed in VEA’s Generation Interconnection Handbook. The Handbook describes general requirements meaning VEA may have additional requirements to a specific project. That’s because not all requirements can be stated in a Handbook since some requirements are project specific. VEA must examine all projects independently because not all projects are the same. However, some requirements are general and are described in the Handbook. Therefore, this Handbook provides customers an overview of general technical requirements for transmission facility interconnections. VEA will determine all interconnection requirements with specificity, thru the interconnection process requested and paid for by the customer.
Download VEA’s Generation Interconnection Handbook (PDF)

Learn About Possible Transmission System Upgrade Costs

Find out about unit costs for system upgrades that may be needed for generator interconnections on the transmission system (230 kV and 138 kV). VEA provides access to cost guides for VEA’s 138 kV facilities and for GridLiance’s 230 kV facilities. For such information, download the following documents.
Download VEA’s Per Unit Cost Guide (PDF)
Download GLW’s Per Unit Cost Guide (PDF)

Learn About How VEA Develops Computer Models to Stimulate Electric Grid Operation

The document linked below contains the Joint Transmission Planning Base Case Preparation Process (the Process) for the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) and VEA. This Process describes how VEA develops computer models, termed base cases, to study transmission grid reliability. The CAISO and VEA have jointly established this Process in accordance with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) Reliability Standard MOD-032-1 and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) base case processes. The Process provides guidance and clarity to VEA staff and consultants in developing base cases and to ensure consistency between a variety of base cases.
Download VEA’s MOD-032 Process (PDF) 1-2023

Find Resources for Your Transmission or Large Load Interconnection Projects (Non-Generation projects Interconnecting to Transmission Facilities)

Sometimes, other utilities request interconnection to VEA’s or GridLiance’s transmission facilities. Or, owners of large load projects request interconnection to VEA’s or GridLiance’s transmission facilities. VEA offers the following information for such projects.

Learn About How to Interconnect Transmission Facilities to VEA’s or GridLiance’s Transmission Grid

The purpose of a Transmission Interconnection Handbook is to provide customers general requirements to interconnect their non-VEA owned transmission facilities to VEA’s electric system. These facilities are typically transmission lines interconnecting from other utilities to VEA. The Handbook describes general requirements for transmission line interconnections. Not all requirements can be specified in a Handbook because some requirements are case specific. Therefore, this Handbook provides customers an overview of the technical requirements needed for transmission facility interconnections. VEA will determine all interconnection requirements with specificity, thru VEA’s interconnection studies requested and paid for by the customer.
Download VEA’s and GridLiance’s Transmission Interconnection Handbook (PDF)

Learn About How to Interconnect Large Load Facilities to VEA’s or GridLiance’s Transmission Grid

The Load Interconnection Handbook has been prepared by VEA to identify the typical minimum technical requirements for connecting large non-VEA owned Load facilities to the transmission system operated by VEA. These Requirements are necessary to ensure the safe and reliable operation of the electric Utility. Documentation of these Requirements also fulfills compliance obligations associated with North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standard FAC-001.
Download VEA’s and GridLiance’s Load Interconnection Handbook (PDF)